Welcome to the Platform for Surveys, Methods and Empirical Analyses!
PUMA is a cooperation initiative for establishing an Austrian Platform for Surveys, Methods and Empirical Analyses (German: Plattform für Umfragen, Methoden und empirische Analysen - PUMA).
Under the lead of the University of Vienna currently five further partner organisations cooperate in this initiative: Statistics Austria, Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, University of Innsbruck, University of Salzburg, and the University of Graz. Our common goal is a national centre of excellence for quantitative methods and methodology in the empirical social sciences as well as supporting high-quality survey research.
First PUMA Newsletter published!
They first issue of the PUMA Newsletter has been published. To make sure that you don't miss any, register here.
Read about our news, announcements and past activities here:
PUMA Newsletter: Issue December 2015 (German)

Associated Partner*
*supporting PUMA in Working Group "Pre-Testing"