The PUMA Project
PUMA is a cooperation project, coordinated by the Department of Methods in the Social Sciences at the University of Vienna, which aims to strengthen the empirical social sciences in Austria by enabling synergies between Statistics Austria and empirical social science research at Austrian universities and research institutions.
The key project goal is to establish solid and long-term cooperation and collaboration, ultimately leading to the institutionalization of the project as a center and platform for high-quality data acquisition and analysis as well as methodological expertise.
The cooperation partners of this 5-year project (currently: University of Vienna, University of Linz, University of Innsbruck, University of Salzburg, University of Graz and Statistics Austria) will contribute to and benefit from PUMA in various ways. Statistics Austria has comprehensive means in terms of infrastructure for large-scale surveys such as the Austrian micro census. The universities' social scientists will provide their methodological expertise and benefit from the excellent data generation processes established at Statistics Austria.
The common goals of the PUMA partners are:
- Methodological enhancement and advancement
- Joint definition and support of innovative and socially relevant research questions
- Data collection
The PUMA project runs from 2014 to 2018 and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.

Associated Partner*
* supporting PUMA in Working Group "Pre-Testing"