Reaching and Recruiting Adolescents for Scientific Surveys
The Working Group is coordinated by Sylvia Kritzinger from the Department of Methods (University of Vienna).
The following questions and challenges are the key focuses:
Reaching out to the sample group of adolescents and young persons for scientific surveys via traditional means - such as central telephone registers - has become increasingly difficult in the last decade.
Other approaches - e.g. via Facebook and other social networks or through Schools - bear great disadvantages and bias effects, too, for which no satisfying solutions have been found so far.
In order to secure the future inclusion of this key age group into societal monitoring and social-scientific surveys, further research is necessary to identify suitable means and specific considerations for contacting and recruiting young people for scientific surveys.
The Working Group will focus on various key areas and questions as well as international and national Best Practices to elaborate concrete theoretical-practical results and recommendations.
Objective 1: Produce a report on the current state of international research and (best) practices in the area of youth involvement in quantitative surveys
Objective 2: Presentation of results
2.1 Organisation of a workshop
2.2 Scientific publication and methodological publication

Associated Partner*
*supporting PUMA in the Working Group "Pre-Testing"