Statistics Austria

Mission of Statistics Austria
The mission of Statistics Austria is to provide scientific services in the field of national statistics.
It presents a national public information system, which provides public institutions with data on economic, social, ecological and cultural conditions in Austria for planning, decision preparation and monitoring of measures as well as the science, the private economic sector and the general public.
Statistics Austria covers the elaboration of statistics of all kind, including the related analyses, prognoses and statistical models.
Cooperation with universities within PUMA
Statistics Austria has been technically and organisationally renewing its survey infrastructure for persons and household surveys within a strategy projects for two years.
At the same time Statistics Austria has extensive resgister and administrative data at its disposal which may also offer methodological approaches and opportunities for sample surveys that did not exist outside national statistics so far.
Thus, Statistics Austria aims at cooperating with academic empirical research in the social sciences - on the hand, for using the existing survey infrastructure with clearly defined rules for academic research; on the other hand, for seeking support to solving for concrete methodological questions and challenges in the context of social-scientific surveys with persons and households.