University of Salzburg

With around 18.000 students and 2.800 employees the University of Salzburg is the biggest education institution of the region. The University understands itself as a meeting place for teachers and students as well as science and public.
Originally founded by its eponym Paris Lodron in 1622, the University was reestablished in 1962.
The Faculties for Natural Science, Law, Culture and Social Sciences as well as Catholic Theology offer a broad spectrum of education. There are around 80 regular studies for Bacherlor, Master and PhD degrees.
The University of Salzburg also conducts basic and applied research on a high national and international level. Beside the reseach in the University's departments, Salzburg has set research foci in the areas of "Bio-Science and Health", "Law, Economy and Work" as well as "European Research" and "Science and Art". Interdisziplinarity and the advancement of young researchers are central.
Website: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
For the University of Salzburg, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger participates in the PUMA project.